If you look at seniors will notice an interesting fact. Although Alzheimer’s disease exists and is given in many cases, they rarely occur often mentally active people who continue to work in a work environment not too demanding, but not lazy.
This relationship between work and Alzheimer’s has been studied by a team of researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London has investigated 1382 patients with dementia, of whom 382 were male.
The results were interesting, they have indeed confirmed this perception that prevents dementia work to see that those men (and only for men, since women, the results were different) to continue to work for the elderly were free Alzheimer’s disease or postpone his appearance until later years.
The keys of this relate to the functioning of the brain and cell activity. The researchers believe that Alzheimer’s is associated with massive loss of neurons, which build connections with each other to keep the mind active (working for instance), thus generating a guarantee against the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Generalizing is dangerous, but in this case supports the general science. You know, keep your job as long as it is not an element of stress in your life, help you stay active and healthy, leaving the Alzheimer out of the question.